Monday, September 15, 2008

Playful Cockiness

It's official... I have been initiated into the crazy world of the Gamecocks! Brian's parents were nice enough to fly us to South Carolina for the weekend (thank you Larry and Danna!!!), where we had a fun time hanging out with Brian's entire family, and went to my first Gamecocks football game. Yep...that's me in the Cocks shirt. I must admit, although I never thought I'd own a shirt with a rooster on it, the game was a lot of fun. The cocks took on the #2 team in the nation, the Georgia Bulldogs. The funniest part of the whole experience had to be during the opening prayer (yes...I'm sure a lightening bolt is headed my way). The reverend was giving quite a nice little prayer...until he said, "Please bless us with DOG-ged determination in life, and a playful COCK-iness in all we do..." Hmm... I guess an Amen is in order. :) ANYWAY, despite a valiant effort, the cocks ended up losing by one touchdown. It was ugly towards the end, but Brian handled it remarkably well.....he just got really, really, really quiet. I kept thinking it was the calm before the storm, but the storm never came. Nice restraint Bri! :) Despite the loss, and the unbelievable heat and humidity (yes...I'm a sweatball in the picture....sooooooooo attractive), I had a great time with my boy.

Until next time, wishing playful cockiness to you all! :)


Alisha said...

It was so fun having you here!!!!! We love you guys!