Thursday, April 3, 2014

Water baby, meet aquarium

Our little man is quite the water baby. He loves washing his hands because it means he gets to play in the water. He loves showering with Daddy because it means he can stare up at the water coming out of the faucet.  He loves it when we drive in the rain.

No surprise that he enjoyed the aquarium (once he woke up. He promptly fell asleep the second we left the car, and let me and Brian take a preview tour of the whole aquarium before deciding to rejoin us). Although, he was more impressed with the bubbles and trickles than he was the animals and fish.

Note to self: next time you are taking your child somewhere neat for the first time, take your camera. At least 3 photos from our phone turned out, I guess.

And one last note to self: don't go to the aquarium on opening Saturday unless you are fond of people. Apparently I'm not. :)  Can we say CLAUSTRAPHOBIA?!



emily said...

Was it sooo cool?! I can't wait to go, but I've had to set up a separate savings account for the occasion, ha ha ha! It sure adds up with a family of 7, goodness!! ;)