I haven't read a single parenting book. I don't have a photo of me every month of my pregnancy (in fact, I think I have like 4 total). I haven't started an official baby book, or arranged any photos into a photo album yet. I don't make home made baby food. I am so MIA with blogging that it's ridiculous. But maybe the most sacrilegious thing of all: I just barely finished our first born's nursery 7 months in! Gasp. It honestly kind of disturbs even me!
But, it's officially finished now. And our little man LOVES it. He has honestly made me tear up a couple of times with how excited he gets every time we take him in "Lincoln's room". Throughout the process we would show him each new thing, and he'd always stare at whatever was new, smile and do his excited arms. "Look Lincoln. Mommy finished your comforter!" Bounce, bounce, smile, smile, crazy arms. "Look Lincoln. Do you like your airplane?" Bounce, bounce, smile, smile, crazy arms. "Of course you had to have a mirror, Lincoln. Do you love it? Who's that baby?" Bounce, bounce, smile, smile, crazy arms, flirty head cock. :) Sweetest thing ever.
So, without further adieu, Lincoln's "Oh the Places You'll Go" travel themed nursery:
Thursday, April 3, 2014
Worst first-time mom ever
Posted by Amber at 12:54 PM 3 comments
Water baby, meet aquarium
Our little man is quite the water baby. He loves washing his hands because it means he gets to play in the water. He loves showering with Daddy because it means he can stare up at the water coming out of the faucet. He loves it when we drive in the rain.
No surprise that he enjoyed the aquarium (once he woke up. He promptly fell asleep the second we left the car, and let me and Brian take a preview tour of the whole aquarium before deciding to rejoin us). Although, he was more impressed with the bubbles and trickles than he was the animals and fish.
Note to self: next time you are taking your child somewhere neat for the first time, take your camera. At least 3 photos from our phone turned out, I guess.
And one last note to self: don't go to the aquarium on opening Saturday unless you are fond of people. Apparently I'm not. :) Can we say CLAUSTRAPHOBIA?!
Posted by Amber at 12:38 PM 1 comments
Saturday at Scheels
What to do on a cold Saturday? Mommy is like a caged animal who needs out of the house, and Lincoln is beginning to think that Walmart is the only place that exists outside of "Lincoln's House". Doooo dooooo do dooooooooooo... Daddy to the rescue! He suggests we check out Scheels, and it did not disappoint. I don't think Lincoln could've enjoyed anything more. Well, ok... maybe the zoo, where the animals would be moving. But it sure beat Walmart.
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Grinned at the bears forever. |
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Decided movement and lights was the only thing better than the bears. |
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Learned that cougars are awesome. |
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Reminded mom and dad not to ever let him encounter a real grizzly. |
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Met his namesake and learned a little about why he's our Mr. Lincoln. |
Posted by Amber at 11:27 AM 0 comments
Monday, February 3, 2014
Life After Lincoln
Travel magazines and cruise brochures get thrown into the recycle bin unread, our idea of a good night's sleep is when we're up at 5 a.m instead of 2 a.m for a first feeding, poopies and burps are celebrated with alarming intensity and feeling, every photo we've taken in the past 6 months (phone, video camera, camera or otherwise) is of one (and only one) subject, and there's a new sheriff in town who's in charge of... pretty much everything. Life has changed since August 22nd, and most of it has been for the better. But then there's this blog...
I used to blog about anything and everything. Insignificant minutia of all kinds was featured: from squirrels attacking my car, to my love for Costco. It's all here. You can imagine my alarm when I realized the other day that another change in our lives is that I haven't blogged about the most important thing that's ever happened to us. So I'm here to change that. A very inadequate and incomplete summary of Life After Lincoln.
Mr. Lincoln Alexander is born: August 22, 2013, 1:45 a.m
Healthy, adorable and BIG (8 lbs 1 oz). We loved our time at the hospital (after the epidural, I should clarify)...the three of us got to know each other, and spent lots of special bonding time falling in love. I'll always cherish the memories.
Lincoln is blessed: October 13, 2013
Great day with lots of family, and a special, moving blessing from Daddy.
Lincoln gets his first shots: October 22, 2013
He drained the oral shot no one is supposed to like, and cried when he was poked only until Mommy picked him up. Cute little champ. Mommy and Daddy held it together too.
Lincoln's first Halloween
Mommy's little baby bear couldn't be anything else. He was juuuuuuuuuuuust right, and loved Mamie's annual party.
We all move into Lincoln's House: November 8th-13th, 2014
Talk about awesome! We are still moving in and unpacking 3 months later, haven't even started decorating and still have oh-so-much to do (like a never-ending list). But we are already loving our new neighborhood and home-sweet-home. Perfect for us.
Lincoln's first Thanksgiving
Sheer deliciousness at Mamie and Papa's.
Lincoln's first Christmas Eve
While visiting family on Christmas Eve, Lincoln was finally old enough that Mommy was ok with his cousins scrubbing up and holding him. Londyn and Britt loved getting up close and personal with their cousin for the first time.
Lincoln's first Christmas
He loved grabbing and pulling the paper, and he's still cruising around in his little red car.
Lincoln's first New Years
We had a party with Mamie, Papa, Aunt Meggie, Uncle Daniel and Cousin Emmy. Yummy snacks, games and visiting at Lincoln's house. After everyone left, Mommy and Daddy couldn't help but say, "Holy Hannah" when they looked back at 2013. New job, cross country move, first baby and new house. What a year!
Lincoln's first solid foods
It took him a couple times to eat the rice cereal, but then he loved it. Peas were never his favorite, but he ate them. Carrots were next, and he was in heaven. Now he's onto green beans and loving them. Anything food, and this kid seems to be in.
Lincoln's first word?: January 30, 2014
Mommy was a little slow getting the bottle at Aunt Meggie's house, and when she laid Lincoln on the floor to mix it, he whimpered and said, "Bah Bah". Aunt Meg and Mommy couldn't believe their ears. He repeated the performance last night when Daddy was making his bottle, so we're beginning to wonder if he really does know what he's saying.
Life is busy. Life is different. And we wouldn't go back to life before Lincoln for anything.
Hopefully from here on out I'll keep up a bit better. There are so many things about day to day life worth remembering these days. So when little munchkin allows, I'll post about all his adorableness. You'll be so sick of hearing about him, it won't even be funny. Until then... :)
Posted by Amber at 6:05 PM 1 comments