Thursday, August 12, 2010

We No Longer Own Anything White...

Might have gotten a little busy with work lately. Might have let laundry be the first thing to slide. Might have seen our "whites" hamper completely overflowing and decided to do a big ole batch. Might have had everything in there from Brian's dress shirt, to work out tees, to...well of course all our unmentionables. Might have somehow lost my mind and decided to throw in a teal swimsuit cover-up at the last second (cuz it wasn't quite crowded enough). Being new, it might not have ever been washed before. Might have bled a bit, even with the stinkin cold water. Might have opened the wash and thought of the Jolly Green Giant, the Hulk, a grassy field...and a million other very GREEN things that I probably shouldn't associate with our "white" unmentionables. (Side note, might have been a little disturbed that some things were much greener than others, and some things weren't green at all. That kind of water circulation does not sit well with a germ-a-phobe.) Might have gone crazy with the Chlorox in a re-wash frenzy. Might have bleached almost all the green into oblivion and saved almost everything (even the bathmat Brian helped dye blue in last week's laundry adventure.) Might have celebrated while folding laundry until Brian held up a pair of my newest unmentionables and proclaimed, "Whoa! Elphaba!"

This is all hypothetical of course...


Olivia Jane Designs said...

May have read this story in amazement wondering how this hasn't happened to ME yet. LOL Love you... Elphaba!

V said...

You are so green. It's totally admirable.
PS Teal is bluish too right? The whitest white is slightly blue?

Thanks for the laughs